
Big Mikes the Art of Dirty Talk

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Big Mikes the Art of Dirty Talk


Congratulations – you graduated from the Little Leagues. Now it’s time to go a step further and ask her to participate in dirty talking.

Because now you are requesting her to participate, you are going to start off slowly. Stick to yes/no questions. Remember the boiling frog story? We want to encounter as little resistance as possible.

Examples of lines

You like that, don’t you?
Are you my little girl?
You like it when I fill you up, don’t you? You like my cock inside of you?

Basically, any statement you make can be turned into a yes/no question. So if you notice that she responds extremely well to one or two statements you use that statement and turn it into a question. It’s simple as that.

This concludes our mini-guide on dirty talking. You have now more than enough information to give your girl orgasms like she’s never had before – purely by talking dirty to her.

The only thing that is left is to put this knowledge into action. Follow the blueprint laid out here and you will have her begging to be your little sex slave.

To your success, Big Mike

How To Talk Dirty To A Woman Without Feeling Uncomfortable

“You like that, baby?”

…How often have you said that during sex?

How often do you talk…at all…during sex?

If you’re reading this article, probably not much. That’s okay, most men don’t like to talk during sex. Heck, most guys don’t make any sound during sex.

Isn’t that kind of strange?

Sex is the most pleasurable activity in the world, so why is it we’re quiet while we’re enjoying it?

When you eat a good steak, you certainly make a few Mmmmm sounds as you chew it up. So why not sex?

The truth is, most men don’t know what to say during sex. They’re scared. The only sex education they have is from porn, which is pretty graphic. So instead, they just freeze up and say nothing.

Today we’re going to change that.

The main reason (besides enjoyment) to talk dirty is to arouse your woman. Whether you’re talking during sex or warming her up before, dirty talk is one of the best things you can do to turn on a woman.

I’m not going to tell you the exact lines to say. Any boring magazine could write that. Instead, I’ll go over guidelines that will teach you how to craft the perfect lines.

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